Marketing automation software usually comes with a learning curve, and Pardot is no exception. For beginners and advanced users alike, the many features and capabilities of a platform as powerful as Pardot are a lot to keep on top of. With lead targets and campaign deadlines a priority, it’s no surprise that corners are cut and accounts muddied in the interest of getting to market swiftly.
As Pardot consultants with access to dozens of Pardot accounts, we see first-hand the common faux paus that users make both during implementation, and account management. And by the way, we pass zero judgement!
But in the interest of helping bring some of these mistakes to light for the general good of the community, we’ve put together what we consider to be the seven ‘deadly’ sins of Pardot.
The point is to highlight areas you, as a Pardot marketer, could be guilty of overlooking or making errors so that you can right the wrongs and get your account in the best shape possible. A healthy account that is used with best practices is destined for better marketing results, including an all-important return on investment.
Below you’ll find a handy infographic summarising the seven deadliest sins of Pardot. Scroll beyond the infographic for the text version.
What are the 7 Deadly Sins of Pardot?
Excessive belief in one’s own abilities
Even the most advanced Pardot users lean on others to bolster their success. Don't be too proud to invest in Pardot training, or the services of a certified consultant. A great partner will work as an extension.
An excessive desire for more
More prospects in your database doesn't equal more leads if you're only focused on quantity over quality. Use Grading to whittle out those who aren't potential customers from the start, and remember that 2% of marketing data becomes stale every month.
Intense longing
The worst thing you can do is rush your Pardot implementation because you're keen to start playing with the features. Return on investment - and the kudos that goes along with it - will happen faster when your account has the best technical setup and structure.
To wish for something that another person has
Copy the tactics of a competitor too heavily and you’ll lose authenticity (and leads!). Have an original marketing strategy. Sure, borrow from the competition, but use strategic planning to guide solid automated activity.
Habitual greed or excess
When prospects receive too many emails your unsubscribe rate will take a hit. Consider how each new Engagement Studio program impacts frequency and whether you’ll be admitting contacts into too many at once. Use suppression and dynamic lists.
Strong vengeful anger or indignation
Leads being handballed to Sales aren’t converting to customers? Savvy Pardot users know the secret to a great Marketing and Sales relationship is an agreed definition of what makes a qualified marketing lead. Define leads and document handover processes.
Reluctance to work or make an effort
Pardot users who treat their account as ‘set and forget’ won’t see the best return on their investment. Run Pardot audits quarterly to stay on top of sync errors, organisational issues, account limits, and marketing performance.
Feeling a little sinful? Now’s the time to make a change *Michael Jackson ‘Man in the Mirror’ plays* and banish those bad habits. If you need an accountability partner along the way, get in touch! We offer free Pardot audits, and support and consulting across Pardot, Marketing Cloud, and Sales Cloud.

Tom Ryan
Founder & CEO of MarCloud, Tom has been on both sides of the fence, client-side and agency, working with Salesforce platforms for the best part of a decade. He's a Salesforce Marketing Champion and certified consultant who loves to co-host webinars and pen original guides and articles. A regular contributor to online business and marketing publications, he's passionate about marketing automation and, along with the team, is rapidly making MarCloud the go-to place for Marketing Cloud and Salesforce expertise. He unapologetically uses the terms Pardot, Account Engagement and MCAE interchangeably.
More by Tom RyanFeatured resource

How to Measure ROI Using Pardot
Proving ROI is the holy grail for marketers. In our ‘How to Measure ROI Using Pardot’ eBook, you’ll find a detailed list of all the steps you need to take to fully track and report on marketing attribution and return on investment. If you can make it through the guide with every single checkbox ticked, you can consider yourself a true expert!
Download now