5 Steps to B2B Marketing Analytics Nirvana [Infographic]

What if I told you, that by focusing on five key areas, you can reach a place where everything in Account Engagement and Salesforce just works? That with these five areas handled well, you can achieve reporting nirvana with B2B marketing analytics? I’m guessing you’d be pretty excited, although maybe a little skeptical!

Coloured background with the text Infographic 5 Steps to B2B Marketing Analytics Nirvana

The truth is, there are just five steps to reaching what MarCloud calls ‘B2BMA Nirvana’. By this, we mean the ultimate state of marketing clarity and serenity. A state in which you can:

  • Leave broken reports in the past

  • Attend meetings armed with accurate results

  • Secure more marketing budget

  • Deliver greater marketing ROI

It’s the holy grail of Salesforce marketing and we’re about to share how to get there.

Take a look at the infographic below, or scroll for the text version of each step!

B2BMA Nirvana infographic

Infographic showing the steps to B2BMA Nirvana
B2BMA Nirvana by MarCloud

5 steps to B2B marketing analytics nirvana

1. Qualify & assign prospects

Without strong foundations for qualifying and assigning prospects, your reports will never work. Tap into lead scoring, grading, and timely but tailored lead assignment.

2. Fix broken data

Campaigns and Salesforce Lead Source data must be reliable, with consistent values, campaign tracking, best practice segmentation, and reliable Campaign Member Statuses.

3. Assign attribution

With the basics in place, it’s time to optimise your customer touchpoints and tracking via UTM parameters, multi-touch data, attribution models, and alignment between platforms.

4. Report with B2BMA

If everything is working as it should, you can shape and deliver your reporting framework using a combination of classic Salesforce, Marketing Cloud, and Data Cloud reports.

5. Streamline & scale

Let’s say you’re at the height of marketing automation serenity. Now, it’s all about scaling the inbound lead process across Business Units and streamlining the entire company.

Where to begin

Of course, depending on your level of experience with Marketing Cloud, Sales Cloud, Data Cloud, and reporting analytics, some of these steps may prove time-consuming or headache-inducing. Even if you have the expertise in-house, having the capacity to tick off each of the steps may be a challenge, which is where MarCloud can help.

Using the B2BMA Nirvana framework, we can work with you to take care of all the actions. The process starts with an audit of your account, which helps us all to understand where in the journey to B2BMA Nirvana you currently are.

For more about B2BMA Nirvana or to arrange an audit and reach marketing serenity sooner, send us a message.

Chris Thompson

Chris Thompson

Chris is an experienced marketer and certified Pardot consultant. He's passionate about improving visibility for clearer marketing attribution, which in the world of Salesforce means aligning digital marketing strategy with the objects, tools and automations available within the Salesforce tech stack and beyond. His role at MarCloud is to support the Delivery Consultants in launching and managing client projects and campaigns, ensuring the best delivery and results.

Featured resource

eBook cover with the text How to Measure ROI Using Pardot

How to Measure ROI Using Pardot

Proving ROI is the holy grail for marketers. In our ‘How to Measure ROI Using Pardot’ eBook, you’ll find a detailed list of all the steps you need to take to fully track and report on marketing attribution and return on investment. If you can make it through the guide with every single checkbox ticked, you can consider yourself a true expert!

Download How to Measure Pardot ROI

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Ready to reach marketing nirvana?

Our market-leading framework, 'B2BMA Nirvana by MarCloud', addresses every part of Account Engagement (Pardot) and your Salesforce ecosystem. Using this framework, MarCloud experts have the wisdom and experience to guide you on the path to complete marketing and reporting clarity.

Reach the highest state of Salesforce marketing so you can save time, deliver quality leads, and generate more revenue using Marketing Cloud Account Engagement (Pardot) and other Salesforce platforms. Whatever your current circumstance, we'll get you to a place where everything works.

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MarCloud is a team of certified Pardot, Marketing Cloud, and Salesforce specialists. We help businesses to unlock the potential of marketing automation. Ready to save time, deliver more quality leads, and generate more revenue? Here's how we help.

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